Bharat Kambuja Maitri Samiti launches website

With a view to fostering people to people contacts between India and Cambodia, a country which shares a historic past and culture with us, the Bharat Kambuja Maitri Samiti was formed under the guidance of Their Holiness.The Samiti has launched a website to showcase its aims and activities and serve as a repository of useful information. A collection of inscriptions from the Cambodian temples and a photo gallery on the website provides a glimpse of the cultural heritage of Cambodia.

Cambodia- Angkor Vat

The objectives of the Bharat Kambuja Maitri Samiti include:
-- To develop social and cultural cooperation between Cambodia and India
-- To explore our joint  cultural heritage and build upon this
-- To arrange conferences, seminars, exhibitions and producing and distributing relevant literature including books and journals
-- To arrange visits of different delegations between the two countries to meet people in all fields, vocations including industrial, science and technology, education, arts
-- To facilitate exchange programs for education in Indian and Cambodian Universities.
-- To increase tourism between the two countries
-- To exchange greetings during festivals in order to foster stronger friendship

The group further will be conducting research on topics including  Tourism, Education, Industry (Agricultural, Forest, Small-scale), Spiritual, GOI relations, Legal, Water Exchange Programs, Archaeology, Arts and Entertainment, Medical & Ayurveda.

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